For a long time, I assumed that typical long-term relationships were ones that start out well and then settle into a kind of sustained tolerance of each other. I figured that only a few very fortunate people found someone who is continually inspiring and exciting to be with. With Colleen I've truly found that. She inspires me to try new things, work harder, and just be a generally better person. It's constantly exciting because I feel like we can create whatever future we want. I always (might be repeating myself here) felt that some long term relationships can too easily devolve into complacency and routine, and I don't see that on the horizon for Colleen and I.
-Mike |
Emily and VincentVince and I are inseparable and we have been since the day we met. Our connection stems not only from our attraction to one another and our common interests, but also from our ability to be utterly disgusting around one another. The lack of inhibitions and freedom to fart around each other is what keeps things fresh and carefree. I feel really bad for ladies who feel the need to hide their bodily functions around their significant others. Just let loose!
-Emily Adleblute |